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Articles tagged as "artificial intelligence"

Insights categories - Local investing

2025: Risk remains heightened around the world

By Duncan Artus on 28 Jan 2025

Viewing time: 13 mins

Following a year that saw political regimes shift in many parts of the world, investors need to brace themselves for a period of elevated risk as geopolitica...

Insights categories - Investment insights

Trends shaping the future of investment management

By Jithen Pillay on 12 Apr 2024

Listening time: 42 min

The commonly accepted wisdom is that if we want a glimpse into the future of South Africa’s financial services sector, we should take a look at the United...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

From Johannesburg to Japan: How to resist the magnetism of the magnificent seven

By Tamryn Lamb on 28 Sep 2023

Listening time: 64 mins

In conversation with Tamryn Lamb, Allan Gray portfolio manager Tim Acker and Graeme Forster, portfolio manager at our offshore partner, Orbis, explain why we...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Memory: Industry cycles, not the business cycle

By Rob Perrone on 31 May 2023

Reading time: 7 mins

Rob Perrone, a member of the team of Investment Counsellors at our offshore partner, Orbis, explores the case for investing in the memory semiconductor...


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